What Is One Way Programmers Notify Users Of Program Updates?
Question 11 Why would a developer utilize awhileloop in Python? To...
Question 11
Why would a developer use a while loop in Python?
To print an action a certain number of times
To print an activeness during the time a status is true
To repeat an action an unknown number of times
To echo an action during the time a condition is truthful
Question 12
The retentiveness required for _______ depends; more than ______ accept up more memory.
floating points, integers
integers, floating points
string values, characters
variables, characters
Question xiii
Read the following code:
# Calculate totalCost of itemA with half dozen.5% taxation
totalCost = itemA + .065
In that location is an error in the code. How should the code be revised in club to get the correct output?
totalCost = itemA * 0.065
totalCost = (itemA) + 0.065
totalCost = itemA * ( itemA + 0.065)
totalCost = itemA + (itemA * 0.065)
Question 14
What is the purpose of indexing?
To combine characters in guild to form a unmarried cord
To combine two or more strings into one big string
To pull out a grouping of characters from a string
To pull out one specific character from a string
Question 15
Tanisha and Raj are using the software development life bicycle to develop a career involvement app. They ran their code for the get-go time and have the results of their test. What should the team exercise next?
Analyze the scope of the project
Blueprint the program by writing pseudocode
Identify bugs and document changes
Write the program code
Question 16
Ben is using the software development life cycle to.make plan that will summate a user's fitness level. What should he practise start?
Define project goals
Pattern the plan by writing pseudocode
Identify bugs and document changes
Write the programme code
Question 17
What is 1 way programmers notify users of program updates?
for E-mail
Magazine advertisements
Public service announcements
Retrieve notices
Question eighteen
When is the about advisable fourth dimension to use a for loop in Python?
When the exact number of repetitions needed for the loop is known
When the exact number of repetitions needed for the loop is greater than 10
When the verbal number of repetitions needed for the loop is less than 10
When the exact number of repetitions needed for the loop is unknown
Question 19
What is one task related to program maintenance?
Define project goals and clarify telescopic
Design pseudocode and sketch program await
Make blueprint and functionality improvements
Test lawmaking to place bugs and defects
Question 21
In Python, which of the post-obit would correctly display the output PROGRAMMING ROCKS?
Question 22
High-level programming languages' code must be translated into machine code by interpreting or compiling.
Question 23
What is the most effective manner to document version control and change management?
Colorful posters
Detailed notes
Button notifications
Text messages
Question 24
Logical errors hateful the program ran, but the results were not equally expected.
Question 25
Read the following code:
10 = i
(x < fifty):
x = ten + i
At that place is an error in the while loop. What should be stock-still?
Add a colon to the end of the statement
Begin the statement with the proper keyword
Replace the parentheses around the examination condition with quotation marks
Use quotation marks effectually the relational operator
Question 26
Read the post-obit lawmaking:
count in range(80):
leo.frontwards(count * two)
leo.left(count + 2)
There is an mistake in the for loop. What should be fixed?
Add a colon to the terminate of the statement
Begin the statement with the proper keyword to get-go the loop
Place the loop condition outside the parentheses
Supplant the parentheses around the range with quotation marks
Question 27
What is the purpose of a string variable in Python?
To calculate values using characters
To create variable names with characters
To place value on certain characters
To represent a sequence of characters
Question 29
Monica has been assigned to a projection team that is responsible for creating a program that will involve calculating the square root of numbers. How can Python help the squad rapidly develop this program?
Python has built-in libraries that eliminate the possibility of errors, then the team can skip the testing phase.
Python has built-in libraries that automatically make design improvements based on user feedback, and so the team does non have to maintain the code.
Python has a built-in Math Module with a sqrt() function, so the team does not have to create code from scratch.
Python has a congenital-in Turtle Graphics Module with a forrard() function, so the squad can move forth speedily.
Question 30
In Python, when converting a string value into a numeric value that contains a decimal, the bladder() function is used.
Answer & Explanation
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Source: https://www.coursehero.com/tutors-problems/Python-Programming/16214691-Question-11-Why-would-a-programmer-use-awhileloop-in-Python-To-print/
Posted by: irbyentler.blogspot.com
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